
chic (yet cheap) bracelet

Hohhoijaa, olen nyt lähes vuoden miettinyt syömisiäni ja juomisiani joku toinen (todellakin sen arvoinen toki) mielessä. Cokiskin on kafeiinitonta, kuten huomaatte. Tölkin kaverina uusi rannekorulöytö, kerrankin tarpeeksi pientä kokoa (ranteeni kun sattuvat olemaan naurettavan kapeat). Me like.

Chic (yet cheap): rannekoru/bracelet £12 & other stories

It's almost a year that I haven't thought about someone else (who's all worth it, though) when eating or drinking. Even my Coke is caffeine free, as you see. With the can my new bracelet, finally managed to find one that is small enough (I've got ridiculously small wrists). Me like.

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