Kuten olette saattaneet huomata, jumiuduin usein tiettyihin aiheisiin (esim. gepardi tai perhoset), ja nyt uutena jumituksena taitavat olla pilkut sekä Selfridges. Twitterissä lirkuteltiin sen verran paljon Selfridgesin Louis Vuitton and Yayoi Kusama -yhteistyömalliston näyteikkunoista, että piti pakata pikku-A rattaisiin ja lähteä kävelylle.
Tavaratalon julkisivun ikkunat ovat koko Oxford Streetin pituudelta pilkulliset, ja eniten huomiota keräsi ikkuna, jossa on kaksi Kusama look alike -vahanukkea. Jopa Mr A osaisi (ehkä) yhdistää pilkut japanilaiseen taiteilija/kirjailija Kusamaan, näimmehän aikaisemmin kesällä Tate Modernissa hänen töitään esittelevän näyttelyn. Varmasti arvaattekin jo, että yhteistyömallisto on myös hyvin pilkullinen. Pilkut ovat ihania, kuten myös alla oleva Kusaman runo Love Forever.
Stars, the earth, I and you: we are but one polkadot.
To a shining future.
Budding love.
All about my great happiness.
Fashionably dressed up.
Let's go and see our boyfriends in high heels.
I, in high heels.
Love forever.
Like you have most likely noticed, I tend to get stuck with certain topics (e.g. leopard or butterflies), and now the latest seems to be dots plus Selfridges. There were so many tweets in Twitter about Selfridges' windows for Louis Vuitton and Yayoi Kusama collaboration, that I had to pack AJ in his stroller and go for a walk.
The department store's windows on the length of the Oxford Street facade are all dotted, and the window that caught most attention was one with two Kusama look alike fax figures. Even Mr A could (maybe) name polkadots as Japanese artist/writer Kusama's signature pattern, since we did see her exhibition at Tate Modern earlier this summer. Like you guessed by now, also the collection is very dotted. Dots are lovely, just like the above Love Forever poem written by Kusama.
Stars, the earth, I and you: we are but one polkadot.
To a shining future.
Budding love.
All about my great happiness.
Fashionably dressed up.
Let's go and see our boyfriends in high heels.
I, in high heels.
Love forever.
Like you have most likely noticed, I tend to get stuck with certain topics (e.g. leopard or butterflies), and now the latest seems to be dots plus Selfridges. There were so many tweets in Twitter about Selfridges' windows for Louis Vuitton and Yayoi Kusama collaboration, that I had to pack AJ in his stroller and go for a walk.
The department store's windows on the length of the Oxford Street facade are all dotted, and the window that caught most attention was one with two Kusama look alike fax figures. Even Mr A could (maybe) name polkadots as Japanese artist/writer Kusama's signature pattern, since we did see her exhibition at Tate Modern earlier this summer. Like you guessed by now, also the collection is very dotted. Dots are lovely, just like the above Love Forever poem written by Kusama.
Terveiset Nizzasta! Bongasimme iltakävelyllä LV:n liikkeen ja samainen pilkku-teema koristi ikkunoita myös täällä. Ei värikkäisiin ikkunoihin voinut olla kiinnittämättä huomiota!!
VastaaPoistaKivaa loman jatkoa sinne! Jännä nähdä muuten ensi viikolla, että onko pilkkuja myös Helsingin LV:llä.